

Kabelweg 57
1014 BA Amsterdam


Throughout many years of working in the sales and consulting industry, we met many great and talented sales reps and advisors out there. However, we noticed that many of them struggle to organize themselves or find their perfect sales pitch.


The other thing we noticed: due to high turnover rates, low staff training periods or simply the lack of interest, many sales reps and advisors didn’t even really know, how to explain or sell their product correctly and successfully.


So, we came up with Idiligo, and solved both: An (online) meeting solution, that makes sure, that ALL sales reps and advisors can be successful! With Idiligo they predefine their perfect (sales) pitch or advice. They prepare everything, from the product presentation, through a customer questionnaire to the digital signing of the order contract. 


The good thing is, it only has to be done once, since they can just keep reusing this process. This way, during the meeting, they just follow the meeting script, which Idiligo automatically leads them through. Nothing can be forgotten, and the process is optimized to the point.


A nice side effect: With Idiligo, we close the gap between the increasingly digitized population, and the deeply rooted desire for personal advice when making important decisions. Idiligo makes digital advice and sales personal and effective.